
Summer Camp Registration Form Template


·10 min read

Managing camp registrations can be a time-consuming task for summer camp organizers. A structured summer camp registration form helps streamline the enrollment process, capturing all the essential camper details while making it easier to manage registration fees and payment details.

Below we have included a ready-to-use summer camp registration form template that you can copy, customize, and implement immediately. Whether you are running a sports camp, swim camp, or soccer camp, this camp enrollment form template will help you collect camper information efficiently while keeping things organized.

📢 Are you looking for a summer camp registration platform that helps you strealine the camp registration process? Pembee is the top summer camp registration software. Try Pembee for yourself and make the move to reduce admin so you can focus on what you love!

Ready-to-Use Summer Camp Registration Form Template

Below is a customizable online registration form with all the essential form fields to ensure a seamless registration experience for potential campers. You can copy and paste this into your preferred tool, such as Google Docs, Google Sheets, or an online form builder, for easy access and management.

For those who prefer a digital option, or would like to customize the content, we’ve also created editable versions of this template, allowing you to collect camper personal details, emergency contacts, and health details efficiently while automating notifications when a camp registration is received.

📎 Google Docs/ PDF: Editable Summer Camp Registration Template PDF/ Google Doc

Summer Camp Registration Form Template

Camper Personal Information

Full Name: ______________________

Date of Birth: ______________________

Gender: ______________________

Address: ______________________

Parent/Guardian 1 Name: ______________________

Parent/Guardian 1 Contact Number: ______________________

Parent/Guardian 2 Name: ______________________

Parent/Guardian 2 Contact Number: ______________________

Emergency Contact Details (List at least 1)

  • Emergency Contact Name: ______________________
  • Relationship to Camper: ______________________
  • Emergency Contact Phone Number(s): ______________________

Pickup Authorization

Who is allowed to pick up your child? List their name(s), phone number(s), and relationship with the child.


Phone Number

Relationship to Child

Health Details & Medical History

Does the camper have any allergies?

☐ Yes (please specify): ______________________

☐ No

Is the camper currently taking any medications?

☐ Yes (please specify): ______________________

☐ No

Medical conditions that camp staff should be aware of: ______________________

Guardian consent for emergency medical treatment:

☐ Yes

☐ No

Camp Program Selection

Type of camp (select one or more):

☐ Day Camp

☐ Soccer Camp

☐ Swim Camp

☐ Football Camp

☐ Chess Camp

☐ Science Camp

☐ Church Camp

Preferred camp session dates: ______________________

Cabin buddies request (if applicable): ______________________

Camp Tuition Fees & Payment Details

Preferred payment methods:

☐ Credit Card

☐ Debit Card

☐ Cash

☐ Check

☐ Scholarship Applications

Discount codes or coupon codes (if applicable): ______________________

Camp Consent Forms & Liability Waivers

Consent for participation in specific summer camp activities, including water activities and high-impact sports.

☐ Yes

☐ No

Media release consent for camp photos/videos

☐ Yes

☐ No

By signing this form, I acknowledge that participation in camp activities carries inherent risks, and I assume full responsibility for my child’s well-being. I release the camp, its staff, and affiliates from any liability related to injuries, accidents, or illnesses that may occur during the camp session.

Camp Merchandise & Extras

Camp t-shirts (select size):

☐ Small

☐ Medium

☐ Large

☐ Extra Large

Camp store merchandise pre-order (optional):

☐ Water Bottle - $10

☐ Camp Hat - $15

☐ Sweatshirt - $30

☐ Notebook & Pen Set

Meal plan preferences:

☐ Basic Meal Plan (Includes breakfast and lunch) - $50 per camper

☐ Standard Meal Plan (Includes all meals) - $75 per camper

☐ Premium Meal Plan (Includes all meals + snacks) - $100 per camper

☐ Deluxe Meal Plan (Includes all meals, snacks, and beverages) - $125 per camper

How Pembee Can Streamline Your Camp Registrations

If you’re running multiple camp sessions, manually managing registrations, emergency contact info, and camper schedules can be overwhelming. That’s where Pembee comes in!

Pembee is a powerful summer camp registration system, designed to simplify and automate the camp registration process, so you can focus on running an amazing camp experience rather than dealing with paperwork. It is an essential tool to help you streamline camp management!

With Pembee, you can:

✅ Automate camp registrations, allowing parents to sign up online anytime, anywhere. Parents can also access the details for summer camps digitally
✅ Streamline the registration process with custom forms—all details stored digitally for quick access, including the camp liability waiver form, health history, and any other details from students.
✅ Automatically generate camper rosters with real-time data updates.
✅ Send automated emails—registration confirmations, payment reminders, and camper updates.
✅ Collect digital consent forms—no need for printed paperwork.
✅ Manage payments effortlessly with various payment preferences, including installments and discount codes.

Whether you are running a summer camp for kids, a church camp, or a football camp registration, having a structured registration system is crucial. While a camp registration form template is a great starting point, Pembee takes your camp admin to the next level—reducing paperwork, improving organization, and ensuring an efficient camp registration process.

Why Summer Camp Registration Software is Essential

Using a paper camp registration form can work for smaller camps, but it can often leads to unnecessary delays and inefficiencies. While a single form helps maintain an organized camp registration process, relying on paper means adding paperwork to camp management, manual data entry, and limited access to changes in medical history details or guardian contact information when needed.

A smarter solution is online camp registration software, which allows camp organizers to:

  • Collect essential fields like camper schedules, emergency contacts, and health details more efficiently, and easily download or access PDFs of camp forms
  • Use camp database software to store camper confidential information securely, making access easier for camp counselors.
  • Automate administrative tasks with camp evaluation forms converted into PDFs camp counselors can access digitally
  • Ensure a smoother camp registration process with integrated camp management software.

Ready to simplify your summer camp registrations? Try Pembee today and make camp registrations easy, so you can focus on delivering an unforgettable experience for campers!