
Summer Camp Social Media Ideas


·17 min read

During the summer camp season, it's the perfect time to ramp up your social media presence. Engaging with campers, parents, and the community can boost enrollment and create a memorable brand. Here are some creative social media ideas to keep your audience excited and engaged throughout the summer.

Key platforms and strategies:

  • Facebook: Event pages, virtual tours, live updates

  • Instagram: Photos/videos of activities, Stories for behind-the-scenes

  • TikTok: Camp challenges, counselor talent showcases

  • X/Twitter: Live-tweeting events, quick updates

Top ideas:

  1. 360-degree virtual camp tours

  2. Daily countdown posts to camp day

  3. Alumni spotlights and takeovers

  4. User-generated content challenges

  5. Live streaming camp activities

Linking booking to social media:

  • Add "Book Now" buttons on profiles. You can embed most summer camp registration software such as Pembee on your social profiles, allowing parents to book easily.

  • Share exclusive social media discounts

  • Enable easy mobile payments

Tracking results:

  • Monitor engagement (likes, comments, shares)

  • Track link clicks and conversions

  • Use analytics tools to measure ROI

By leveraging these strategies, camps can boost awareness, build community, and increase sign-ups.

Platform Best For Key Features
Facebook Parents Events, Live video
Instagram Visual content Stories, Reels
TikTok Younger audience Challenges, short videos
X/Twitter Quick updates Live-tweeting, Q&As

Using Social Media to Promote Summer Camps

Social media can help summer camps reach more people and get more sign-ups. Here's a quick guide on how to use different platforms:


Facebook is good for reaching parents:

  • Make event pages for each camp session

  • Share photos of camp activities

  • Use Facebook Live to show camp facilities

  • Run ads to reach parents in certain areas


Instagram is great for showing camp fun:

  • Post photos and short videos of camp activities

  • Use Instagram Stories for daily camp updates

  • Use hashtags to help more people find your posts

  • Ask past campers to take over your account for a day


TikTok is popular with kids:

  • Make fun camp challenges for people to join

  • Show off counselor skills in short videos

  • Share quick looks at camp activities


X/Twitter is good for quick updates:

  • Post live updates during camp events

  • Share daily camp highlights

  • Answer questions from campers and parents


YouTube lets you share longer videos:

Video Type Description
Camp Tours Show people around the camp
Highlight Reels Best moments from past camps
Testimonials What campers and parents say about the camp

1. Facebook Event Pages for Summer Camps

How to Use Them

Facebook event pages help summer camps promote their sessions and talk to potential campers and parents. These pages let camps:

  • Make separate pages for different camp sessions

  • Give details about dates, times, and places

  • Post updates before the camp starts

  • Ask people to invite friends and share the event

Talking to People

Event pages on Facebook let camps talk directly to their audience. Some good ways to do this are:

  • Posting updates about camp plans

  • Sharing photos and videos from past camps

  • Answering questions in the comments

  • Making polls to ask about camp activities

How to Set Up an Event Page

Setting up Facebook event pages is easy. Here's how:

Step Action
1 Make a Facebook business page for your camp
2 Click "Events" on the left side of your page
3 Choose "Create New Event" and fill in the details
4 Add good photos and descriptions
5 Invite your followers and ask them to share

Making Your Page Stand Out

To make your event pages look good, try these ideas:

  • Use photos that show what your camp is about

  • Post countdown updates as the camp gets closer

  • Have live Q&A sessions on the event page

  • Show what a day at camp is like

2. Virtual Tours on Facebook Live

Facebook Live lets summer camps show off their camp to people who might want to come. It's a good way to let parents and kids see the camp without being there.

How to Use Facebook Live

Facebook Live is easy to use and many people have Facebook. To make your tour work well:

  • Tell people when you'll do the tour

  • Make sure you have good internet

  • Use a good phone or camera

Talking to People During the Tour

When you do a live tour, you can talk to people watching:

  • They can ask questions right away

  • You can answer questions as you go

  • It feels special because it's happening now

To get people to join in:

  • Ask them to ask questions about the camp

  • Have camp workers talk about what they do

  • Show fun camp activities

How to Set Up a Tour

Setting up a Facebook Live tour is not hard:

Step What to Do
1 Plan where you'll go and what you'll say
2 Get a phone or camera ready
3 Check the internet in all areas
4 Start the live video on your camp's Facebook page

Making Your Tour Fun

To make your tour more fun:

  • Show what a day at camp is like

  • Do something surprising, like sing a camp song

  • Have campers or staff join in to make it real

3. Eye-Catching Instagram Photos and Videos

Instagram helps summer camps show off their activities and get more campers. It's good for sharing pictures and videos that make people want to come to camp.

How to Use Instagram

Instagram is all about pictures and videos. Summer camps can use it to share:

  • Good photos of camp activities

  • Short videos (up to 60 seconds) of fun camp moments

  • Instagram Reels (up to 90 seconds) for fun, creative content

  • IGTV for longer videos (up to 60 minutes)

Post regularly so people keep coming back to see what's new.

Getting People Involved

To get more people to like and comment on your posts:

  • Use hashtags like #SummerCamp or #CampLife so people can find you

  • Ask campers to share their own photos with a special camp hashtag

  • Answer comments and messages quickly

  • Have contests or challenges on Instagram

You can also work with past campers to help spread the word about your camp.

Making Your Posts Stand Out

Here are some ways to make your Instagram posts different:

Idea Description
Before-and-after photos Show how projects change from start to finish
Time-lapse videos Show how you set up camp or do an activity
"A Day in the Life" Show what campers do all day
Staff and camper spotlights Show off what people at camp can do

These ideas can help make your Instagram page more fun and interesting for people who might want to come to your camp.

4. Instagram Stories for Behind-the-Scenes Content

Instagram Stories help summer camps show what's happening at camp right now. These posts last for 24 hours, which makes people want to check them often.

How to Use Instagram Stories

Camps can use Stories to show:

  • What campers do each day

  • Who the staff are

  • What campers say about camp

  • How they get ready for special days

  • Nice views of the camp area

Getting People Involved

Stories let people join in:

Feature How to Use It
Polls Ask what activities or food people like
Questions Let people ask staff about camp
Countdowns Show when camp starts or when to sign up
Quizzes Test people on camp facts or rules
Links For big accounts, add links to sign up

Easy to Make

Making Stories is quick and simple:

  • Use a phone to take photos and videos

  • No need for fancy equipment

  • Use built-in tools like text and stickers

  • Save important Stories to keep them longer

Fun Ideas for Stories

Try these ideas to make Stories more fun:

  • Let staff or campers run the account for a day

  • Show how projects change from start to end

  • Show how you get ready for camp events

  • Give sneak peeks of new things at camp

  • Use moving pictures (GIFs) of camp life

5. Live-Tweeting Camp Events

Live-tweeting camp events is a good way to share what's happening at your summer camp right away. Here's how to use X/Twitter to show off your camp activities:

How to Use X/Twitter

X/Twitter is great for quick updates. Make a special hashtag for your camp, like this:

Hashtag Type Example
For your camp #SummerCamp2024
For big events #CampTalentShow
For daily fun #CampAdventures

Why It's Good

Live-tweeting helps:

  • Keep parents updated

  • Get campers involved in social media

  • Make followers feel part of the camp

  • Show new people how fun camp is

How to Start

It's easy to start live-tweeting:

  1. Pick someone to run the X/Twitter account

  2. Decide what to post and how often

  3. Ask staff and campers for ideas

  4. Use a tool to plan some tweets ahead of time

Fun Ideas

Try these to make your tweets more fun:

Idea What to Do
Q&A time Let people ask camp counselors questions
Quick votes Ask followers to pick the next activity
Photo updates Show how projects change from start to end
Camper spotlight Pick a "Camper of the Day" to feature

These ideas can help make your camp's X/Twitter account more interesting for everyone.

6. Camp-Themed TikTok Challenges

TikTok challenges can help promote your summer camp and get more people to see it online. By making camp-themed challenges, you can get campers, staff, and possible future campers to join in.

How to Use TikTok

TikTok is good for short videos that show fun camp moments. Use these TikTok features:

  • Duets: Ask campers to make videos with your camp videos

  • Hashtags: Make special hashtags for your camp and challenges

  • Sounds: Use popular songs or make your own camp sounds

Why It's Good

Camp-themed TikTok challenges can:

  • Get campers and staff to make videos about camp

  • Show possible campers how fun camp is

  • Make past and present campers feel like part of a group

Try challenges that show camp activities, traditions, or things learned at camp. For example:

Challenge What It Is
Camp Dance Make an easy dance for campers to learn and do
Nature Hunt Ask people to find and show cool things from nature
Talent Show Let campers share what they're good at in short videos
Camp Spirit Have people show they love camp with cheers or costumes

Making It Fun

To make your TikTok challenges stand out:

  1. Use things that are special to your camp, like mascots

  2. Be funny to make people want to watch

  3. Work with popular TikTok makers who like camping

  4. Give prizes or put the best videos on your camp's TikTok account


7. Counselor Talent Showcases on TikTok

Showing off your camp counselors' skills on TikTok is a good way to get kids and parents interested in your camp. It also shows how much fun your staff can bring to camp.

How to Use TikTok

TikTok is great for short videos. Counselors can show what they can do in 15-60 second clips. Use these TikTok features:

  • Duets: Ask viewers to copy counselor videos

  • Hashtags: Make a special tag for your counselor videos (like #CampCounselorTalent)

  • Sounds: Use popular music or make your own camp sounds

Why It's Good

Showing counselor talents can:

  1. Make your camp staff seem more real

  2. Show what kids can learn at camp

  3. Make videos that kids and parents like

Try doing a "Counselor Talent of the Week" to keep people watching.

Fun Ideas

Ask counselors to think of cool ways to show what they can do. Here are some ideas:

What They Can Do Video Idea
Arts & Crafts Quick painting or paper folding
Sports Trick shots or cool moves
Music Short song covers or playing an instrument
Dance Short dances to popular songs
Outdoor Skills Quick camping tips or naming plants

These videos can help make your camp look fun and show off what your counselors know.

8. 360-Degree Virtual Camp Tours

360-degree virtual camp tours let people see your summer camp online. They can look around the camp from home, which helps them know what to expect.

How to Make and Share Tours

You can use these tools to make 360-degree tours:

Platform What It Does
Google Street View Upload 360-degree pictures
Matterport Make 3D tours
Facebook 360 Share 360-degree photos and videos on Facebook
YouTube 360 Put 360-degree videos on YouTube

Why It's Good

360-degree tours can help:

  • People look around on their own

  • Show the camp better than regular photos

  • Keep people on your website longer

  • Make people want to come to camp

How to Do It

Making 360-degree tours is getting easier:

  1. Use a 360-degree camera or phone

  2. Take pictures of important camp areas

  3. Put the pictures together with special computer programs

  4. Put the tour on your website or social media

Making It Better

You can add these things to your tours:

Idea What It Does
Clickable spots Show more info about certain places
Voice guide Tell people about the camp as they look
Different seasons Show how the camp looks all year
Special tours Focus on things like sports or art areas

These tours can help people see what your camp is like before they come.

9. Daily Countdown Posts to Camp Day

Daily countdown posts help build excitement for your upcoming summer camp. By posting each day until camp starts, you can keep people interested and get them ready for camp.

How to Use Different Platforms

Use many social media sites for your countdown posts:

Platform What to Post
Instagram Stories and regular posts
Facebook Updates on event page and main page
X/Twitter Daily tweets with camp hashtags
TikTok Short, fun videos about camp activities

Getting People Involved

Countdown posts can get people to join in:

  • Ask campers and parents to share why they're excited in comments

  • Use polls or questions in Instagram Stories

  • Have special days (like "Throwback Thursday" with old camp photos)

  • Show different camp activities each day

How to Do It

Starting a countdown is easy:

  1. Plan what you'll post ahead of time

  2. Make all your posts look similar

  3. Use tools to post automatically each day

  4. Ask staff and old campers to help make posts

Fun Ideas

Try these ideas to make your countdown posts fun:

Idea What to Do
Camp Facts Share one fun fact about camp each day
Meet the Staff Introduce a different staff member each day
Daily Challenge Give campers a new, fun task each day
Camper Stories Share stories from excited campers and families

These ideas can help keep people interested in your camp as the start date gets closer.

10. Alumni Spotlights and Takeovers

Showing off former campers helps prove how good your summer camp is. It can make new people want to come to camp.

How to Use Different Social Media

Use these sites to show alumni:

Site What to Post
Instagram Stories, long videos, regular posts
Facebook Live talks, photo sets, long posts
LinkedIn Job updates and work wins
YouTube Long interviews about camp

Getting People Involved

Alumni posts can make more people join in:

  • Let current campers ask alumni questions

  • Have online meetups for old campers

  • Make a special tag for alumni to use

  • Ask alumni to teach current campers

How to Do It

It's easy to start showing alumni:

  1. Make a list of alumni who want to help

  2. Plan when to post about each person

  3. Write questions to ask them

  4. Use tools to post at the right times

Fun Ideas

Try these ideas to make alumni posts more fun:

Idea What It Is
"Where Are They Now?" Show what jobs alumni have now
"Camp Skills at Work" How camp helps in real jobs
"Alumni Adventures" How camp made alumni like outdoors
"Family Camp Stories" Show families who all went to camp

Linking Online Booking and Payment to Social Media

Connecting your camp's booking and payment systems to social media can make it easier for parents to sign up and pay. Here's how to do it:

Put booking links on your social media pages so parents can sign up fast. For example:

Platform How to Add Booking
Facebook Add a "Book Now" button
Instagram Put booking link in bio
X/Twitter Add short booking links to tweets

Special Social Media Deals

Make special offers just for social media users. This can help you get more sign-ups and see which sites work best.

1. Short-Time Offers: Post deals that end soon to get people to act fast.

2. Friend Discounts: Give discounts to people who share your posts and get friends to sign up.

3. Early Sign-Up Deals: Offer lower prices for early sign-ups only on social media.

Easy Payment Options

Make sure it's easy to pay when people click from social media:

  • Let people pay different ways (credit cards, PayPal, etc.)

  • Make sure payment pages work well on phones

  • Show clear prices and rules about refunds

Using Good Reviews

Share what happy campers and parents say about your camp on social media. This can help new people trust your camp. Try these:

  • Post videos of people saying good things on Facebook and Instagram

  • Make a short video of good reviews for Instagram Stories

  • Pin the best reviews to the top of your X/Twitter page

New Social Media Campaign Ideas for Summer Camps

Summer camps can use new social media campaigns to get more people interested and sign up more campers. Here are some good ideas to make your camp's online presence better:

Virtual Camp Tours

Show people around your camp online using 360-degree videos or live streaming. This lets possible campers and their parents see the camp from home. Try these:

Platform Tour Idea
Facebook Live Weekly live tours of different camp areas
Instagram Stories Short videos showing camp facilities
YouTube 360 360-degree videos where viewers can look around

Countdown to Camp Day

Get people excited about camp with a daily countdown on all social media. You can:

  • Post about a different theme each day (like "7 days until swimming!")

  • Share old photos from past years

  • Show sneak peeks of new activities or buildings

Alumni Spotlights

Show how your camp helps people long-term by talking about former campers. Try these:

Platform Alumni Spotlight Idea
Instagram "Where Are They Now?" with old and new photos
LinkedIn Job successes of past campers
TikTok Quick talks with alumni about their best camp memories

User-Made Content Challenges

Get your community to make and share content about your camp. Some ideas:

1. Camp Song Challenge

Ask campers to make their own version of the camp song.

2. Camp Spirit Photo Contest

Tell people to share photos showing camp spirit to win prizes.

3. Talent Show Submissions

Have possible campers send short videos showing what they're good at.

Tracking Social Media Results and Booking Numbers

Keeping an eye on how well your social media posts do and how many people book your camp is important. This helps you see if your online efforts are working and how to make them better.

Important Things to Measure

Here are some key things to look at:

What to Measure What It Means Why It's Important
Likes, Comments, Shares How much people interact with your posts Shows if people like what you're posting
Number of People Reached How many people see your content Tells you if your camp is getting known
Clicks on Links How many people click on your links Shows if people want to learn more
Bookings from Clicks How many clicks turn into camp sign-ups Tells you if your posts lead to bookings
Cost to Get a New Camper How much you spend to get one new camper Helps you spend your money wisely

Tools to Help You Track

Use these tools to see how you're doing:

1. Google Analytics

  • See where your website visitors come from

  • Check how many people book camp

  • Learn what people do on your booking pages

2. Built-in Social Media Tools

  • Use tools that come with Facebook, Instagram, etc.

  • See how your posts are doing

  • Find out when it's best to post

3. Social Media Manager Tools

  • Use tools like Hootsuite or Sprout Social

  • Get reports that show all your social media in one place

  • See how you're doing compared to other camps

Connecting Social Media to Bookings

To know if your social media is getting you bookings:

  1. Add special codes to your social media links

  2. Make special web pages for each social media ad

  3. Use special discount codes just for social media


Social media is now very important for summer camps to talk to people, show what they do, and get more sign-ups. Using Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and X/Twitter, camps can make posts that both kids and parents like. They can do things like:

  • Show camp tours online

  • Have live events

  • Talk about old campers

  • Make fun challenges

To do well, camps should:

1. Mix social media with easy sign-up

Make it simple for families to book online after seeing social media posts.

2. Keep track of how well posts do

What to Check Why It's Important
Likes and comments Shows if people like the posts
How many see the posts Tells if more people know about the camp
Clicks on links Shows if people want to learn more
Sign-ups from clicks Tells if posts lead to bookings

3. Post often and try new ideas

By doing these things, camps can:

  • Get more people to know about them online

  • Make people feel part of a camp community

  • Get more kids to sign up for camp

Effectively utilizing social media platforms can significantly contribute to the growth and overall success of summer camps.