
Summer Camp Activities


·11 min read

Summer camps offer a wide range of fun and educational activities for kids of all ages. Here's a quick overview of common summer camp activities:

Activity Type Examples
Outdoor Hiking, camping, fishing
Water Swimming, canoeing, kayaking
Sports Soccer, basketball, volleyball
Arts Painting, drawing, crafts
Performing Drama, dance, music
Team-building Group games, problem-solving tasks

Key benefits of summer camp activities:

  • Try new hobbies

  • Develop independence

  • Make new friends

  • Learn important skills

  • Connect with nature

  • Enjoy screen-free time

Whether it's a day camp or overnight program, summer camps create a fun environment for children to learn, grow, and enjoy their break from school.

1. Arts and Crafts

Arts and crafts are a big part of summer camp. Kids get to make things and be creative. They can take home what they make to remember their time at camp.

Age Groups

Different age groups do different crafts:

Age Group Crafts
5-8 years Popsicle stick projects, finger painting, easy paper folding
9-12 years Friendship bracelets, tie-dye shirts, nature crafts
13+ years More complex painting, reusing old items for new projects, making jewelry

Skills Kids Learn

Doing arts and crafts helps kids learn:

  • How to use their hands better

  • How to think of new ideas

  • How to fix problems when making things

  • How to work with others

Fun Projects

Kids enjoy many fun craft projects at camp:

  1. Tie-dye with squirt guns: Make colorful shirts in a fun way

  2. Sew nature pouches: Mix outdoor exploring with simple sewing

  3. Make wind spinners from old CDs: Turn old things into pretty decorations

  4. Create butterflies with bubbles: A fun project for all ages

These projects are fun and give kids something special to take home from camp.

2. Swimming

Swimming is a popular summer camp activity that's both fun and good for kids. Here's what you need to know about swimming at camp:

Age Groups and Activities

Age Group Swimming Activities
5-8 years Games in shallow water, learning basic strokes
9-12 years Marco Polo, Sharks and Minnows, improving swimming skills
13+ years Races, learning advanced techniques, lifeguard training

What Kids Learn

Swimming helps kids:

  • Get stronger and have more energy

  • Learn how to be safe in water

  • Move better and keep their balance

  • Work well with others

Keeping Kids Safe

Camps make sure swimming is safe by:

  • Always having adults watch the kids

  • Having clear areas for swimming

  • Using a buddy system

  • Teaching kids about water safety often

Fun Water Games

  1. Pool Games:

    • Marco Polo: A game of tag in the water

    • Sharks and Minnows: A chasing game that helps kids swim better

    • Atomic Whirlpool: Kids make a big swirl in the pool

  2. Challenges:

    • Float Race: Kids race on floats using just their arms or legs

    • Obstacle Course: Kids swim through hoops and around pool noodles

  3. Team Games:

    • Shoulder Wars: Kids practice balance on their friends' shoulders

    • Watermelon Polo: Older kids play water polo with a greased watermelon

These games are fun and help kids make friends while getting better at swimming.

3. Archery

Archery is a popular summer camp activity that helps kids learn new skills and have fun. Here's what you need to know about archery at camp:

Age Groups

Camps offer archery for different ages:

Age Group Distance What They Learn
7-9 years 10-15 yards Basic form and safety
10-12 years 15-20 yards Better aim
13+ years 20-50 yards Advanced skills

What Kids Learn

Archery helps kids:

  • Focus better

  • Set goals

  • Be patient

  • Use their body well

Keeping Kids Safe

Camps make sure archery is safe by:

  • Having special areas for shooting

  • Teaching kids how to use the equipment

  • Always having trained adults watch

  • Using safety gear like arm guards

  • Checking equipment often

Fun Games

Camps make archery more fun with games:

  • Archery Golf: Kids shoot at targets around camp

  • Beat the Teacher: Kids try to shoot better than their instructor

  • Team Games: Kids work together and compete in groups

These games help kids enjoy archery and get better at it while making friends.

4. Hiking

Hiking is a great summer camp activity. Kids can enjoy nature, stay active, and learn new things. Here's what you need to know about hiking at camp:

Age Groups

Camps plan hikes for different ages:

Age Group Trail Type How Far
7-9 years Easy 1-2 miles
10-12 years Easy to Medium 2-4 miles
13+ years Medium to Hard 4+ miles

What Kids Learn

Hiking helps kids:

  • Read maps and use compasses

  • Spot plants and animals

  • Get stronger

  • Solve problems on trails

  • Work with others

Keeping Kids Safe

Camps make sure hiking is safe by:

  • Talking about safety before the hike

  • Making kids hike with a friend

  • Checking the weather

  • Staying on marked paths

  • Giving kids water, snacks, and first aid kits

  • Having trained adults lead the hikes

Fun Hiking Ideas

Camps make hiking more fun with:

  • Finding things on a list while hiking

  • Taking pictures of nature

  • Telling stories at pretty spots

  • Trying to see the most animals

  • Looking for hidden boxes with GPS

These ideas help kids enjoy hiking and learn about nature at the same time.

5. Team Sports

Team sports are a big part of summer camp. Kids play together, get fit, and learn important life lessons. Here's what you need to know about team sports at camp:

Age Groups

Camps offer different sports for different ages:

Age Group Sports
7-9 years Easy soccer, t-ball, kickball
10-12 years Soccer, basketball, volleyball, capture the flag
13+ years Full games of many team sports

What Kids Learn

Playing team sports helps kids:

  • Get better at moving their bodies

  • Talk and work with others

  • Think about game plans

  • Be leaders

For example, in soccer, kids learn how to:

  • Pass the ball

  • Dribble

  • Shoot

  • Move their feet

  • Stand in the right spots

These skills help kids in sports and in life.

Keeping Kids Safe

Camps make sure team sports are safe by:

  • Giving kids the right gear

  • Having trained adults watch

  • Making clear rules

  • Giving water breaks

  • Having first aid ready

Fun Games

Camps make team sports fun with special games:

  1. Capture the Flag: Kids run, hide, and work together

  2. Tug of War: Teams pull a rope to win

  3. Relay Races: Kids run in teams

  4. Human Knot: Kids untangle themselves as a team

These games help kids have fun, make friends, and learn to work together. They see how important it is to help each other and be a good team player.


6. Outdoor Cooking

Outdoor cooking is a fun summer camp activity. Kids learn to cook food outside while enjoying nature. Here's what you need to know about outdoor cooking at camp:

Age Groups

Camps have different cooking activities for different ages:

Age Group Cooking Activities
7-9 years S'mores, campfire cones
10-12 years Campfire pizzas, foil packet meals
13+ years Campfire flatbread, damper bread

What Kids Learn

Outdoor cooking helps kids learn:

  • How to use fire safely

  • How to make food clean and safe

  • How to follow recipes

  • How to work with others

  • How to manage time

Keeping Kids Safe

Camps make sure cooking is safe by:

  • Having a special place for cooking away from tents and trees

  • Teaching kids how to use fire safely

  • Giving kids the right tools and safety gear

  • Having adults watch all cooking

  • Keeping first aid kits and fire extinguishers nearby

Fun Cooking Ideas

Kids can have fun with outdoor cooking by:

  1. Making their own pizzas or nachos

  2. Trying new ways to make s'mores

  3. Learning old camping recipes like damper bread

  4. Joining cooking contests

These activities help kids enjoy cooking outside and learn new skills at the same time.

7. Nature Exploration

Nature exploration helps kids learn about the outdoors at summer camp. They get to see plants and animals up close and learn why taking care of nature is important.

Activities for Different Ages

Age What Kids Do
7-9 years Find things in nature, watch animals
10-12 years Go on hikes, learn about plants
13+ years Use maps and compasses, study animals

What Kids Learn

By exploring nature, kids can:

  • Learn about the environment

  • Get better at spotting plants and animals

  • Read maps

  • Solve problems

  • Work with others

Staying Safe

Camps make sure kids are safe when exploring by:

  • Giving out safety gear

  • Talking about safety before each activity

  • Having enough adults to watch the kids

  • Teaching about things to watch out for

  • Using trained staff to lead activities

Fun Things to Do

Kids can have fun exploring nature by:

  1. Going on hikes to see animals

  2. Learning about local plants and animals

  3. Writing or drawing about nature

  4. Taking pictures outside

  5. Looking at stars at night

These activities help kids learn about nature and want to take care of it. They might even start to really like the outdoors and want to protect it when they grow up.

8. Drama and Theater

Drama and theater at summer camp help kids be creative, feel more sure of themselves, and learn to work with others. These activities can be simple or more complex, depending on the kids' ages and skills.

Activities for Different Ages

Age What Kids Do
7-9 years Easy skits, acting games
10-12 years Short plays, learning about characters
13+ years Bigger shows, writing scripts

What Kids Learn

Doing drama and theater helps kids:

  1. Speak better in front of people

  2. Use their imagination

  3. Work well with others

  4. Understand feelings better

  5. Feel good about themselves

Fun Things to Do

Kids enjoy these drama activities:

  • Campfire skits: Short, funny acts kids can do around the fire

  • Acting games: Fun games that help kids think fast and be creative

  • Talent shows: Kids can show off what they're good at

Camp leaders change up the skits and games so kids don't get bored. This way, kids can try different roles and types of acting.

Keeping Kids Safe

While drama is usually safe, camps make sure to:

  • Pick stories that are right for each age group

  • Use props and costumes safely

  • Have adults watch during practice and shows

  • Make sure all kids feel okay about joining in

9. Music and Dance

Music and dance at summer camp help kids have fun and learn new things. These activities are good for all ages and skill levels.

Activities for Different Ages

Age Music Activities Dance Activities
7-9 years Play easy instruments, sing camp songs Learn simple dance moves, play music games
10-12 years Perform in groups, learn popular songs Learn dance routines, join dance contests
13+ years Form bands, write songs Learn harder dances, put on dance shows

What Kids Learn

Doing music and dance at camp helps kids:

  1. Show their feelings through art

  2. Move their bodies better

  3. Work well with others

  4. Feel good about themselves

  5. Solve problems

Fun Things to Do

To make music and dance more fun, camps can:

  • Put musical instruments outside

  • Sing songs around the campfire

  • Have shows where kids can perform

  • Make up dance contests

  • Put instruments in pretty places outside

These activities help kids enjoy music and dance while learning new skills and making friends.

10. STEM Activities

STEM activities at summer camps help kids learn about science, technology, engineering, and math in a fun way. These hands-on activities help kids think better and enjoy learning new things.

Age Groups

Different age groups do different STEM activities:

Age Group STEM Activities
7-9 years Making simple robots, using Micro:bits
10-12 years Coding in Scratch, making 3D/AR solar systems
13+ years Programming robots, doing bigger coding projects

What Kids Learn

STEM camp activities help kids learn:

  1. How to fix problems

  2. How to code

  3. How to work with others

  4. How to think of new ideas

Fun Things to Do

STEM camps make learning fun with:

  • Robot contests where kids' robots do tasks

  • Coding classes to make games

  • Learning about nature and water

  • Looking at stars and making model rockets

These fun STEM activities teach kids new things and make them want to learn more.


Summer camp activities help kids grow, learn, and make good memories. The last days of camp are important for ending the experience well.

Closing Activities

Camps often have special events at the end:

Activity What It Does
Camp Carnival Day Kids have fun and show what they learned
Time Capsule Kids remember their time at camp
Banquet Dinner Everyone eats together and says goodbye
Council Fire Kids share stories around a fire
Camp Gala A big party to end camp

These activities help kids:

  • Show what they did at camp

  • Feel good about what they learned

  • Say goodbye to new friends

What Parents Should Look For

When picking a camp, parents should check what end-of-camp activities are offered:

Type of Activity How It Helps Kids
Fun Celebrations Kids feel good about themselves
Quiet Time to Think Kids think about what they learned
Group Activities Kids make their friendships stronger
Awards Kids feel proud of what they did

These last activities are important because they:

  • Help kids remember what they learned

  • Let kids say goodbye in a nice way

  • Make kids feel good about their time at camp

Good end-of-camp activities make the whole camp experience better for kids.